A unique ship, with unique destinations for everybody
Noorderlicht with her ice strengthened bow is the most beautiful Tall ship in the fleet and is suited for all ages. Anyone can come on board, from families with children to elderly sailors, fathers with sons, mothers with daughters, friends for life or budding relationships.
The one thing all our guests have in common is the wish for a special voyage. They want to enjoy outdoor life, the ocean, and the countries we visit. Whoever sails with Noorderlicht also gets aquanited with those aboard, the crew and the guests. Sometimes photos are shared at the end of a voyage. Sometimes friends for life are made.

The most beautifull 2-mast schooner
The word ‘schooner’ is derived from the verb ‘to scon’, meaning ‘to send over water.’ Schooners have anything between two and six masts, and on a 2-mast schooner, the foremast is smaller than the aft mast. With her high gaff-topsails and her beautiful hull the Noorderlicht is a feast for the eye.
Type 2 mast schooner
Built/rebuilt 1910, 1993
Length 46,20 m
Width 6,50 m
Mastheight 43 m
Hullspeed 12 knots
Draught 3,2 m
Tonnage 250 Ton
Sailing plan 7 sails
Sail size 550 m2
Engine 460 HP Caterpillar C12 Diesel
Crew 5-7 pers.
Capacity 20 trainees
Toilets 6
Showers 7
Callsign PGJG
Port Enkhuizen The Netherlands
Frag Holland
Certificates Worldwide
IMO-number 8650813
How is Noorderlicht used?
Corporate Hospitality
Personal Leadership
Where we sail
Noorderlicht is licensed to sail worldwide and can sail wherever she wants. With her ice strengthened bow she can also set the course for the Arctic and Antarctic regions.
From June up to September Noorderlicht sails in North Norway and Spitsbergen | Svalbard with individuals or businesses, or offers corporate hospitality or leadership training trips.
In October + November and April + May Noorderlicht navigates on the North-, and South Atlantic ocean around the Canarian Islands, Brazil, in the Cariben and the Azores with the Masterskip programme for secondary school pupils.
From December up to March the Noorderlicht executes expeditions on Antarctica.
- Actuele locatie van de Wylde Swan
The crew
Our crew’s passion is to provide a challenging and hospitable environment for our guests. Noorderlicht’s crew are well-trained professional sailors and some volunteers. During the Masterskip voyages, fully qualified secondary school teachers join the crew.
Interior manager
Interior: life on board
What immediately stands out is the warm and cozy atmosphere in the ship. There are beautiful communal areas that can be well heated in the polar areas. There are also 10 comfortable two-person cabins. Living together on board is a fantastic experience whatever your age. The group process is one of the most important parts of a sea voyage. For leadership voyages the set-up is ideal.

A diversity of meals is prepared in the professional galley. Our chefs are cooking delicious meals to keep a group of expedition-sailors on their legs legs in rough weather or let them enjoy them together in deserted bays.
Watch systems
While on board you can join in on the sea watch system. We highly recommend it to get involved in the 24-hour rhythm of the ship. It is a fantastic experience. During the day, there are always times when everyone is awake and you can do activities unrelated to sailing. Sometimes, it’s fun to help with small maintenance tasks. At other times you could follow a practical workshop such as in astronavigation, photography, cooking, or leadership skills. And sometimes it could be that you or another guest just want to share something with the group.
There are different watch systems each with a number of different variations:
– 6 hours on and 6 hours off
– 7 hours on, 5 hours off, 5 hours on, 7 hours off
A watch system for 3 people is usually 4 hours on, 8 hours off
As soon as Noorderlicht is a few sea miles at sea, a sense of peace descends on the ship: there’s no cellphone connection anymore. Can you imagine it? A day without your mobile phone? This is your life onboard Noorderlicht. There is no contact with the outside world.
Of course, there are other ways for Noorderlicht to be in 24/7 contact with the outside world. In case of emergency, we can always be reached and can always reach others.
During the voyage, the captain speaks at least once a day about what the current situation is, where the ship is sailing and what the plans are. These are always enjoyable moments
And there’s always, 24/7, someone you can immediately talk to, ask your questions to or discuss things with.
- 2x inmarsat c
- 1x inmarsat a
- 1x HF radiotelephone
- 1x iridium satellite connection (email)
Noorderlicht sails under the Dutch flag and meets all requirements set worldwide, European-wide and nationally. Our crew’s certificates are also always up-to-date and we carry out exercises on board to practice for different situations, to maintain a very high lever safety.